Penitenziagite (“Do penance”) is a rallying cry derived from the Latin “Poenitentiam agite,” meaning the same. It has also been interpreted as a paraphrase of the Greek “πένητες διάγετε” attributed to Christ (“penites diagete”), meaning “live life as a pauper.” The phrase was used by the Dulcinian movement founded by Gerard Segarelli (1240–1300) in the 13th century, a movement named after the disciple Fra Dolcino. (source: Wikipedia).
Fra Dolcino went down in history as one of the most ferocious heretics. But who was he really?
Amerigo Film, Inc. just acquired the film rights of this great trilogy-books, written by Fabio Cosio, based on the true story of Fra Dolcino, considered one of the most violent heretics ever lived.